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What is Hot Stone Massage?

Hot Stone Massage is a luxury treatment that is wonderful at any time of year.  Heated volcanic basalt stones are placed on the body and used by your therapist as part of the massage.  The heat is soothing to the muscles and very relaxing, while warming up those muscles easily, allowing for a completely different massage.

Chakras can be used, via semi-precious stones that have been heated in our special stone warming bag, and placed over your chakras or energy centres of your body.  This balances the chakras and helps clear the energy around your body.

Hot Stone Massage

  • Calms your nervous system.
  • Relaxes you.
  • Improves circulation of your blood by delivering more oxygen and nutrients.
  • Helps improve the process of toxin removal by the lymph system.
  • Helps with aching muscles.
  • Can help chronic pain.

When NOT To Have A Hot Stone Massage

Some of the following may mean a hot stone massage is not for you.  If in doubt, just ask us and we’ll check for you.

  • Where there is any nerve damage.
  • Bells Palsy.
  • Diabetes.
  • Prescription Medicines that may interact, including blood thinners.
  • Varicose Veins.
  • Cancer.
  • Burns, including sunburn.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Heart and Circulation Problems.

What Happens at a Hot Stone Massage

You will have a client consultation with us, to ensure we have your medical history, and tailor the hot stone massage to what you are looking for.  We will fill out the medical forms and discuss your history, to rule out any current contraindications, or barriers to you being able to have a hot stone massage.

When we move to your treatment, you will be given time to change and make yourself comfortable on the couch.  You will be provided with clean towels, and an enormous bath sheet is used to cover you, providing privacy, warmth and comfort.

The stones are heated in a special heating bag, and the treatment will commence with a gentle arm, leg and head stretch, before the massage begins.

Only the part of your body which is being worked on with be uncovered at any time, as it your body temperature can drop during the time of a massage.  We also supply a heated bed to lie on, ensuring heat is retained during your whole treatment.

At the end of your treatment, you will be given a glass of water to drink before getting off the treatment couch.

Please drink plenty fresh water after your treatment, for up to 24 hours.

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Callus Peel – Cracking those cracked heels…

Using the Callus Peel is as easy as peeling an Orange for callused heels.  Ok, well, not quite, but it is easier than the usual callus peel routine.  For summer and even party seasons, nothing looks worse than having cracked heels with fabulous sling backs or sandals with feet out on show.

A Callus Peel, is a simple 4 step system which includes a skin softening cream that softens the skin.  The length of the treatment, depends on the amount of Callus you have to remove, and what else you choose to have done at the same time.

Callus Peel Treatment for Cracked Heels

  • Clean the feet.
  • Place the softening cream around the bottom of the foot.
  • Wrap it with vinyl wrap, leaving it on for ten minutes if the the callus is thin, and up to 25 minutes if the callus is very thick, helping it along with moisture and a few lovely hot towels.
  • Scrape and file the softened callus, using a purpose made tool, and buff the callus.
  • Complete the treatment by applying the special Callus Peel moisturising cream.

The innovative callus removal will soften hard calluses quickly, to allow them to be scraped and filed away, which leaves clean and soft skin.

With this treatment, we don’t need to soak your feet beforehand as it works best on dry feet.


After the treatment, it is recommended that you moisturise your feet twice a day, or your feet will begin to dry out after your treatment.

How often should I have a treatment?

It depends on your lifestyle and what type of shoes you wear but we recommend a treatment every 2-3 weeks, although good results are seen after the first treatment.  Callus Peel is a treatment not a cure.

Is it hygienic?

Yes.  Your Therapist is fully qualified and will know all the procedures for hygiene.   The Foot File Scraper can be sterilised and the File Replacement Pads are replaced for each client.

Does the treatment hurt?

No, it doesn’t hurt at all – on the contrary.  It feels like you are receiving a reflexology treatment.  It will only hurt if you have cuts on your skin.  Dry cracks are fine, as long as they are not weeping or bleeding.

Any side effects?

None, as Callus Peel is only for callused/dry areas on the feet.

Why do calluses appear?

Pressure applied to the feet over time causes the skin to harden and calluses to appear.

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The Benefits of Indian Head Massage

What is an Indian Head Massage?

As great fans of massage at, it’s easy for us to pin down the obvious, which is the whole point of having any massage at all.  If we believe the hype, massage can cure all ills, from physical and mental, to psychological.

I’m no doctor or scientist, but the people who’ve carried out Indian Head Massage for at least a thousand years, must at least, know a little about what they’re so famous for.  Indian Head Massage, or Ayurvedic healing, has been a staple of India for so long, that the name has stuck, even here in the UK.

Feeling good is the best benefit of massage, and with physical and mental well-being being targeted, there are some real benefits to setting aside some time for yourself.

Lets break this down a little.

What Massage Does

  • Increases blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles.  The sciency bit tells us that by increasing blood flow, we also increase deliver of nutrients and oxygen.
  • It’s said to help increase the growth of hair.
  • Helps us to relax.
  • Helps to reduce stress levels.
  • Aids restful sleep.
  • Said to help with chronic sinusitis.

What Helps Indian Head Massage Be Successful

  • Slow, rhythmic movements, help put people at ease, and allow them to relax.
  • Oils help improve the experience.  Using aromatherapy, it’s possible to target well-being, health and feel good scents, based on the client needs.  Different massage oils can instill different emotions and feelings.
  • Massage of the head, neck and scalp, relieves tension, helping to improve circulation in the area.
  • Said to help with migraines and back-pain.  Tension in the upper back, neck and head can be helped, as the massage begins with an upper back massage, and moves onto the arms and shoulders, before continuing with the neck, head and face.
  • Part of an Indian Head Massage, includes a lymphatic draining facial, with helps remove puffiness from the face.
  • Can assist with better sleeping habits.  Sleeping badly is a 21st Century condition, mainly brought about by our busy and stressful lives.  Being able to de-stress, helps our bodies relax and many people find sleeping easier after any form of massage.

When NOT To Have An Indian Head Massage

There are times when it wouldn’t be advisable to have this form of massage.

  • Where there are open wounds.
  • When taking alcohol.
  • Inflamed skin and or taking exfoliating action medication.
  • Headlice.
  • Cancer – without GP or specialist approval.
  • Epilepsy or low blood pressure would require caution and GP approval.
  • Blood clot history.
  • Pain in the area.

Ayurvedic healing

As well as being an absolutely fabulous treatment, Indian Head Massage roots are steeped in tradition.  The massage is traditionally believed to block negative energy in the body, through pressure to one of the seven Chakras (or energy centres) of the body.

The Indian Head Massage at Sanctuary Aberdeen, usually lasts for approximately 40-45 minutes.  We do use oils, unless we are requested not to.  When seated in a chair, and made comfortable, we begin with the upper back, to help remove knots and begin to relax our client.  We move to the shoulders, upper arms and then the neck, at which point, our clients begin to visibly relax.  we then move our massage to the scalp, allowing the entire head to relax, and ending with a very gentle lymphatic draining treatment to the face, which can aid with sinusitis and headaches.

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Tips to Make Time for Myself.

It’s the biggest thing in life, and the one we tend to ignore.  A frequently asked question is how to make time for myself, so we’ll talk about that today. How often have you thought things like these:

  • wishing you had more time to yourself.
  • wishing you had a different schedule and could say no.
  • wishing there were more hours in a day.
  • constantly thinking we don’t have time for things.

I’ve heard people say they don’t have time for things so often.  An old friend of mine had one child, didn’t work, yet constantly told me she didn’t have time to do anything and was run ragged.

I used to think people were judging me for making the time for myself, as if I must have somehow found the magic holy grail that extends hours infinitely, or that my life must be so much more empty than theirs, because I made time to spend on myself.


Why should any of us feel bad, because we’ve consciously made the time to spend on ourselves?  It’s those who can’t fit it in who are the ones who need it the most.  When they tell us that they don’t have time for things we do, they’re really annoyed at themselves, but it’s easy to take it personally.  Honestly, don’t.  Go easy on yourself and help them find ways to make time for themselves too.

I hear you say ‘how do I do that when I’m busy all the time?’

Now, how to make more personal time to fit it in, is the six million dollar question…..  Just how do we keep juggling all those balls in a day, without dropping too many of them?  Well, you know what, we could probably drop one or two balls here and there, and nobody would be any the wiser…. I know I could, but choose not to.

It’s all about making priorities, and unless an emergency sticks its nose in, schedule the time in you need.   We know that doing something to relax us, helps us to be happier and healthier and helps us feel infinitely better about ourselves.

It’s even worse for those who are life carers.  I have three adopted children and had two parents with dementia, one of whom was totally paralyzed and lived with me, the other 90 miles away and needing checked on frequently. I also worked. Without scheduling in some me time, I think I’d probably have dropped all the balls…at the same time.. I had to spend some time to care for me too.

My advice is to:

  • not feel guilty for taking some time out every day for yourself, even if it’s 10 minutes.
  • choose the best way to spend your me time.  It has to be something beneficial for you.  I know people who choose a half hour snooze, where for me, waking and getting up once a day is hard enough, without having to do it twice.  That would be counter productive for me.
  • write it into your diary if you struggle to fit it in.  Set an alarm on your phone if you need to.
  • say no to things you don’t need to do.
  • stop wishing you could do something for yourself, and find a way to get it into your days, weeks and months.  Only you can do this….
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How Can I Improve My Posture?

Posture is summed up by the definition ‘positioning of the body.’  Very much like a pose, there is a right way and a wrong way to hold yourself when sitting, standing, walking or doing anything else that involves not lying prone. So many people ask ‘how I can improve my posture,’ and it’s a relevant question.

Posture is the result of how bones, joints, muscles and nerves interact and talk to one another.  They control the movement of our body, which we may have control over by design, or may happen by accident when we are concentrating on something else.  Bad posture is something that most of us are guilty of at some time or other.

Causes of Bad Posture

The wrong chair, spinal conditions, injuries and our emotional state can all affect our posture.  They place stress on the body, and can result in an unfortunate misalignment of the body.

Effects of Bad Posture

It’s a very rare person who can’t tick off a few of these at some point in their life.

  • headaches
  • poor balance
  • tinnitus
  • walking with head down to the floor
  • blurred vision
  • muscle spasms
  • popping or clicking joints
  • joint pain
  • stiff neck
  • rounded shoulders
  • rounded back
  • frozen shoulder
  • digestive issues
  • back pain
  • sciatica
  • sore hips
  • sore knees

There are more, but I think these are enough to start us thinking seriously about how to help ourselves.

Correcting Bad Posture

Stand Up Tall
Use a wall to help you find out how far you have to go, to straighten your back and shoulders.  Keep your heels slightly away from the wall, and adopt the pose we all know from school, when the nurse checks our height against a straight wall.  Walk tall and try to keep this stance throughout your day.

Review Seating Arrangements
At work, check your desk and chair.  Ensure your chair has a full back and use a cushion to align your back into a comfortable position if necessary.  Keep shoulders relaxed and held back, and ensure you change position every half hour and take stretch your leg breaks regularly.

We’ve all heard it, time and time again.  Exercise is good for us, but not always so easy to fit into our busy schedules.  Try to strengthen your core muscles in your midsection, lower back and top of the thighs.   This strengthens the muscles we need for correct posture.   Pilates, yoga and weight training are all good for posture.

Don’t be a Fashion Slave
Save those stilettos for very special occasions.  Likewise with very tight clothing, which can restrict your movement.

Treat Yourself
Seated Indian Head Massage can help with poor posture.  Having good posture makes you feel better and standing taller makes us feel thinner, so what have you got to lose?

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Reflexology at the Cabin

Reflexology is based on the premis that hands and feet are mirrors to the body, and by the application of pressure to different parts of the body, we can be restored to a state of balance, and homeostasis.

What  is generally accepted, is that reflexology helps to relax you, assists with the ability to cope with stress, and improves the circulation of blood and lymph around the body.

When you think about how you rub an area of your body if it feels painful, this idology begins to make sense.  That is an instinct within us all.

Let’s explore that a little:

  • Rubbing an area stimulates sensory fibres, but pain stimulates small fibres.  That’s why rubbing an area that’s painful can help.
  • A TENS machine, which uses electrical nerve stimulation in a medical setting for pain relief to small areas, works in a similar way.

Pain is also, usually agreed, to be affected by both the physical aspects, and the psychological condition and environment of the person suffering pain.  Treating the whole person, rather than just the site of pain, can be beneficial.

Stress and Reflexology

Reflexology is relaxing, and the result of being relaxed, is usually a reduced state of stress.  If your doctor is sure any symptoms you are experiencing is not due to a health problem, signs of stress can include:

  • Feeling hot and flushed.
  • Lump in the throat, hyperventilating.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Muscle tensing.
  • Teeth grinding.
  • Aches and pains.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Restlessness.
  • Fatigue.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Feeling upset or worried about small tasks.
  • Feeling vulnerable or insecure.
  • Low self esteem.
  • Trying to do too much.
  • Difficulty thinking clearly.
  • Over reactions to normal situations.

Book Reflexology from £40

How Does Reflexology Help

As it is very relaxing, for both the body and mind, that reduction in stress levels, can mean the hormones the body might produce as a result of stress, ie cortisol to help us cope with fight or flight, don’t get increased.

  • Non Invasive.
  • Drug free.

Said to improve cardiovascular and lymphatic circulation, by being:

  • Relaxing.
  • Massage of the feet encourages better circulation.
  • Pressure helps stimulate the circulation for heart and lymphatic reflexed.

Reflexology Treatment Experience 

  • We will clean your feet, then gently introduce our hands to your feet, so that you can get used to being touched.
  • We will massage the solar plexus mirror point on your feet, while you are becoming comfortable.
  • We may use oil, body butter or massage cream to help your reflexology session be as pleasant for you as possible, like any other massage..
  • When we first begin, we will ask you if the pressure used is ok.  After that, we will leave you to relax and settle back into a lovely massage.


Reflexology is a holistic therapy, the premise of which, is to treat the whole body.  That includes body and soul.

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What is Rosacia?

I’m often asked what treatment there is in a beauty salon for clients unfortunate enough to have rosacea.  The good news is, that many facials are perfect suitable for clients who have rosacea, and it just takes a little time to devise a routine that is perfect for the client.

For those of us with rosacea, it can be a nightmare.  As well as breakouts like adult acne, a ruby-red nose which can make the skin course, and flushing, we can look as if we’ve had a drink or two too many.  I know I’ve been quite lucky as I’ve got older, to have more or less just the flushing issue now, but I have friends who struggle with this condition.

We’re in good company though, as plenty other people have it too.  For many, it comes on in adulthood, and at all different degrees of being affected.  I’ve read that Princess Diana had it, as well as Prince Charles.  Prince Harry does look like he has it, but possibly just rosy cheeks.  Cameron Diaz is said to be a sufferer, and you can’t get much more famous than that.

It’s mostly skin that often breaks out in spots, with sensitive red blotching across the tops of the cheeks and the nose.  The effects can increase in the winter, so it’s a perfect time to get a facial with great products.  We cannot provide this facial with clients who are undergoing treatment with an exfoliating cream by a skin specialist.  Please wait until you are finished your treatment before requesting a facial.

To help clients with rosacea, we:

  • Use sensitive products.
  • Use a powder exfoliant that has no rough scrubbing action.
  • Use a sensitive skin face mask for hydration, and to help reduce redness.
  • Protect the skin using high factor sun cream, and recommend they do the same, 365 days of the year.
  • Massage the face, decollete, arms and hands, with a lavender based facial oil, to combat dryness, and help reduce stress levels in the client.

Our facials for rosacea are £50 for an hour, and we give you a full hour for your appointment.

New Clients

When you arrive:

  • You will fill out your consultation form and talk to your therapist, who will confirm your medical history.  We do this for your safety, in the rare event that we might have to call an ambulance for a client, we will then have the correct information to be able to give them about your health.
  • After confirming that the treatment is appropriate for you, we will select the products to use and you will have time to get ready.
  • For a full facial, you will be asked to remove your upper clothes, and either wrap yourself in a towel, or lie under the towel, using it as a cover.  We don’t want to get oil over your clothes.
  • When you are comfortable, we will use a headband to keep as much of your hair out-of-the-way as possible, and your treatment will begin.

To book:

  • Please leave a message and we will get back to you.
  • E-mail:
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What are LVL Lashes – The Nouveau Lashes Lash Lift

What are LVL Lashes, or the LVL Lash Lift?

Created by Nouveau Lashes, the LVL Lashes, is a natural lash treatment, that has taken the beauty industry by storm, with even celebrities lining up to take advantage of the fully natural lift, and leaving false lashes way behind.

Completely differently from a lash perm, LVL straightens our eyelashes from the root, so it lifts them, unlike a traditional lash perm, which simply curls them in the same spot, and doesn’t create that wide eye, lovely lashes effect.

Our lashes look longer and lifted, and can stay that way for up to six or eight weeks.  Even better, use the Nouveau Lashes Conditioning Serum to maintain the results for as long as possible.

The results are instant.  Along with your treatment, you can also have the tint, along with the lifting effect, which gives you that mascara effect from the moment you wake up.

How Long Does LVL Lashes Take?

The treatment can take around 45 minutes or a bit more, depending on your lashes, but the effects are instantaneous.  Your LVL lash technician will treat you in a relaxing environment and you will have the procedure done, with your eyes closed for the lift, and with your eyes open for the lower lash tint.

How Long Does LVL Last?

Your treatment will last for up to 6-8 weeks.  They are maintenance free, apart from when they require a new treatment.  No bare lashes when you leave some on your pillow, and wake up refreshed and ready to go, with your lashes staying glamorous.   If you use the Nouveau Lashes Conditioning Serum, your lashes will be well nourished and thank you for the added attention.

Will My Natural Lashes Suffer?

Nouveau Lash treatments are formulated to be gentle, and prevent damage to your natural lashes.

Who Uses LVL?

Nouveau Lashes are loved the UK over.  It has been reported that Lisa Snowdon had a lash treatment before entering the I’m a Celebrity Jungle.

There are no extensions and no glue.  Just fabulous lashes.

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LVL Lash Lift Aftercare – Look After Your LVL at Home

Be ready for your lash lift, by knowing what to do after you’ve had the treatment. Follow the instructions below to make the most of your lash lift. We all love our natural lashes being lifted and looking awesome, but how to look after them is the question asked most often.  

Maintenance is mostly common sense, with a few pointers to ensure they stay looking great after LVL Enhance Treatments.

How Do I Look After my LVL at Home

LVL lashes lash lift aftercare, help and guidance for after your treatment:

  • Avoid getting your lashes wet for the first 24 hours after your Lash Lift appointment.
  • Stay away from getting steam on your lashes, so this means avoiding saunas, facials with steam or hot towels, no steam rooms, and avoid swimming for at least 48 hours. Strenuous workouts can also lead to soggy lashes.
  • Keep away from mascara and try to sleep without any pressure on your face, as this can move the lashes out of position within the first 24 hours.
  • Brush your lashes upwards on a regular basis, with the wand you were given at your appointment, for at least 24 hours after your appointment.
  • When you cleanse your face and after your initial 48 hours, still try to take your time and not rub too hard. Gentle is the key work when it comes to eyes.
  • Continue with oil free products for cleansing the eyes where possible.
  • When you resume using mascara, please use water based mascara and not waterproof mascara, as that can affect the time length of your lift.
  • Please don’t wear a sleep mask as it will flatten your lashes and similarly to sleeping on your face, your lashes may end up pointing in all different directions.
  • Resist the wish to use lash curlers, as they may add stress and damage to your lashes.

When Can I Book Another Lash Lift?

After your lash lift, your lashes should remain lifted for around 6-8 weeks if you look after them properly, avoid sleeping on them and stay away from oil based products.

If you wish to keep your lashes in good condition, we recommend 6 weeks as the minimum time between lash lifts to ensure the health of your natural lashes.

You can book another lift here.

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Pre-Treatment LVL Advice

Before coming for your LVL Treatment, there are a few things you should definitely do, to ensure your appointment goes smoothly.

Arrange your patch test.

Book a patch test for at least 48 hours or more before your actual treatment, to ensure you are adequately patched before the appointment. A skin patch test must be carried out at least 48 hours before your first appointment, and then again six months after the patch, or when there are any new medical conditions occurring that changes your medical history.

For the purpose of making sure your eyes will be ok, we carry out the patch test and fill in your record card, to show you have done the patch test.   

The products included are:

  • Bonding Gel
  • Lifting Balm
  • Fixing Lotion
  • Moisturising Serum
  • Eyelash Tint

The lash tint will be carried out via a little cotton bud and a touch of the tint in the cabin.

Don’t wear contact lenses.

As easy as it is to say this, if you are wearing contact lenses and are unwilling to remove them, I cannot proceed with your treatment. If your contact lenses need to be soaked in a solution, bring a case and solution with you, or wear glasses.

No eye make-up.

If possible, please arrive with no eye make-up on, especially mascara. It takes time to remove eye make-up and will impact on your treatment. Avoid using oil-based products, such as make-up remover, vaseline or waterproof mascara, as these will affect the outcome of your lash lift. If you can, get into the habit of using an oil free make-up remover for a few days before your treatment.

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