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Tips to Make Time for Myself.

It’s the biggest thing in life, and the one we tend to ignore.  A frequently asked question is how to make time for myself, so we’ll talk about that today. How often have you thought things like these:

  • wishing you had more time to yourself.
  • wishing you had a different schedule and could say no.
  • wishing there were more hours in a day.
  • constantly thinking we don’t have time for things.

I’ve heard people say they don’t have time for things so often.  An old friend of mine had one child, didn’t work, yet constantly told me she didn’t have time to do anything and was run ragged.

I used to think people were judging me for making the time for myself, as if I must have somehow found the magic holy grail that extends hours infinitely, or that my life must be so much more empty than theirs, because I made time to spend on myself.


Why should any of us feel bad, because we’ve consciously made the time to spend on ourselves?  It’s those who can’t fit it in who are the ones who need it the most.  When they tell us that they don’t have time for things we do, they’re really annoyed at themselves, but it’s easy to take it personally.  Honestly, don’t.  Go easy on yourself and help them find ways to make time for themselves too.

I hear you say ‘how do I do that when I’m busy all the time?’

Now, how to make more personal time to fit it in, is the six million dollar question…..  Just how do we keep juggling all those balls in a day, without dropping too many of them?  Well, you know what, we could probably drop one or two balls here and there, and nobody would be any the wiser…. I know I could, but choose not to.

It’s all about making priorities, and unless an emergency sticks its nose in, schedule the time in you need.   We know that doing something to relax us, helps us to be happier and healthier and helps us feel infinitely better about ourselves.

It’s even worse for those who are life carers.  I have three adopted children and had two parents with dementia, one of whom was totally paralyzed and lived with me, the other 90 miles away and needing checked on frequently. I also worked. Without scheduling in some me time, I think I’d probably have dropped all the balls…at the same time.. I had to spend some time to care for me too.

My advice is to:

  • not feel guilty for taking some time out every day for yourself, even if it’s 10 minutes.
  • choose the best way to spend your me time.  It has to be something beneficial for you.  I know people who choose a half hour snooze, where for me, waking and getting up once a day is hard enough, without having to do it twice.  That would be counter productive for me.
  • write it into your diary if you struggle to fit it in.  Set an alarm on your phone if you need to.
  • say no to things you don’t need to do.
  • stop wishing you could do something for yourself, and find a way to get it into your days, weeks and months.  Only you can do this….
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How Can I Improve My Posture?

Posture is summed up by the definition ‘positioning of the body.’  Very much like a pose, there is a right way and a wrong way to hold yourself when sitting, standing, walking or doing anything else that involves not lying prone. So many people ask ‘how I can improve my posture,’ and it’s a relevant question.

Posture is the result of how bones, joints, muscles and nerves interact and talk to one another.  They control the movement of our body, which we may have control over by design, or may happen by accident when we are concentrating on something else.  Bad posture is something that most of us are guilty of at some time or other.

Causes of Bad Posture

The wrong chair, spinal conditions, injuries and our emotional state can all affect our posture.  They place stress on the body, and can result in an unfortunate misalignment of the body.

Effects of Bad Posture

It’s a very rare person who can’t tick off a few of these at some point in their life.

  • headaches
  • poor balance
  • tinnitus
  • walking with head down to the floor
  • blurred vision
  • muscle spasms
  • popping or clicking joints
  • joint pain
  • stiff neck
  • rounded shoulders
  • rounded back
  • frozen shoulder
  • digestive issues
  • back pain
  • sciatica
  • sore hips
  • sore knees

There are more, but I think these are enough to start us thinking seriously about how to help ourselves.

Correcting Bad Posture

Stand Up Tall
Use a wall to help you find out how far you have to go, to straighten your back and shoulders.  Keep your heels slightly away from the wall, and adopt the pose we all know from school, when the nurse checks our height against a straight wall.  Walk tall and try to keep this stance throughout your day.

Review Seating Arrangements
At work, check your desk and chair.  Ensure your chair has a full back and use a cushion to align your back into a comfortable position if necessary.  Keep shoulders relaxed and held back, and ensure you change position every half hour and take stretch your leg breaks regularly.

We’ve all heard it, time and time again.  Exercise is good for us, but not always so easy to fit into our busy schedules.  Try to strengthen your core muscles in your midsection, lower back and top of the thighs.   This strengthens the muscles we need for correct posture.   Pilates, yoga and weight training are all good for posture.

Don’t be a Fashion Slave
Save those stilettos for very special occasions.  Likewise with very tight clothing, which can restrict your movement.

Treat Yourself
Seated Indian Head Massage can help with poor posture.  Having good posture makes you feel better and standing taller makes us feel thinner, so what have you got to lose?