

  • The Benefits of Indian Head Massage

    The Benefits of Indian Head Massage

    What is an Indian Head Massage? As great fans of massage at, it’s easy for us to pin down the obvious, which is the whole point of having any massage at all.  If we believe the hype, massage can cure all ills, from physical and mental, to psychological. I’m no doctor or scientist, but the…

  • Tips to Make Time for Myself.

    Tips to Make Time for Myself.

    It’s the biggest thing in life, and the one we tend to ignore.  A frequently asked question is how to make time for myself, so we’ll talk about that today. How often have you thought things like these: wishing you had more time to yourself. wishing you had a different schedule and could say no.…

  • How Can I Improve My Posture?

    How Can I Improve My Posture?

    Posture is summed up by the definition ‘positioning of the body.’  Very much like a pose, there is a right way and a wrong way to hold yourself when sitting, standing, walking or doing anything else that involves not lying prone. So many people ask ‘how I can improve my posture,’ and it’s a relevant…

  • Reflexology at the Cabin

    Reflexology at the Cabin

    Reflexology is based on the premis that hands and feet are mirrors to the body, and by the application of pressure to different parts of the body, we can be restored to a state of balance, and homeostasis. What  is generally accepted, is that reflexology helps to relax you, assists with the ability to cope…

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