The Anatomy of the Eye
Have you ever wondered about the anatomy of your eye? If so, here’s a little reminder, or a whole lot of a lesson for those who don’t know. Our lovely little eye globe sits in two bony sockets, called orbits of the skull. Inside these orbits, our eye globes are embedded in orbital fat,…
10 Reasons to Wax instead of Shaving!
Hair removal is a big thing if you like smooth and silky soft skin with nothing in the way of six ‘clock stubble, like after an early morning leg shave. People can umm and ahh for long spells of time before deciding which method is the one for them. There are just so many different…
Importance of Cleansing, Toning and Moisturising your Skin
When I was younger, the importance of cleansing, toning and moisturising was an alien concept. We didn’t have the internet to feed us the current news and had to rely on what our parents aunts, friends and enemies did. And nobody went to a salon. What!! I was much older than I wish I was,…